Home For Business Owners Journey4Life Videography

Many people in the work place are looking for fulfillment.  They give their time and energy to the job, but they are far more than employees.

They have a social, emotional, and spiritual side that often find little expression.

The Journey has found a home in businesses.  Groups meet once a week for lunch (or before/after work) on a given day in space provided by

the business (conference room, class room, or anywhere a small group can gather).  If you would like to lead a group in your work place we

will support you and coach you.  Here are some steps to consider.

1.  Find 1-2 other believers at work and ask them to partner with you.  Share your heart and begin to pray together.

2.  Ask permission for meeting time and space.  Ensure that the meeting will be on personal time rather than company time.  You will need to

contact the owner, a manager, or a Human Resource representative.

3.  Invite co-workers to attend.  You can advertise this as a Bible Study, but often a Bible Study will only attract other believers.  If your goal is

to reach out to those who are not already believers, you may consider inviting them to a work support group that involves "life coaching from a

spiritual perspective."

4.  Hold an information meeting or schedule a special speaker on a popular topic such as "Dealing with Stress."  (Resources are available for

this.)  You may provide food for the first meeting or ask people to bring their own (if your meeting is at lunch).

5.  Cast vision for a short-term series of meetings.  People will often commit to a six-week meeting time.  Reassure them that they will find a

safe place to discuss issues we all face.  Let them know that if they find the meetings helpful, you can extend the meetings for a period of time.

However, it's good to give everyone a graceful "out" if they don't want to attend.

6.  Schedule the meetings.  We will provide leader's guides, video support, and coaching.

7.  Through the entire process, pray!  Ask God to open doors and guide you to touch the lives of those around you.  Let Him guide you in your

specific market place.